TGTF Cap: Auctioned Off

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Artist: Ringeko / 凛子

Mmh, once again had quite a bit of trouble with writing this one. But I do think that it turned out alright. Auctions have quite a bit of potential for captions and such.

I have a bit of news though. For the time being, I won't be doing regular captions any more. I'll make a post on deviantart with a bit more information. I will still be uploading captions of course, but only whenever I've actually managed to finish writing something.
Caption number 73.

"Uuurgh... where the hell am I..." Tom groaned softly as he awoke on a cold, hard, unfamiliar floor. Bright artificial light shone down on him from above, forcing him to squint. He was surrounded by a small crowd of people, and on top of everything he was nearly naked, with only a light jacket draped over his shoulders. Someone then spoke up from behind him in an energetic voice. "Ahh, looks like today's 'item' has woken up. That means that we can soon begin!"

The man's odd words sent Tom's mind racing, and that's when he recalled how he got here. While on his way back home from work, someone had jumped him from behind, and knocked him out while pulling something over his head. After that, he woke up here. Though he hadn't got a good look at the people around him, it was obvious that they didn't have his best interests in mind.

As he got used to the light, he quickly began looking around for an escape route. The man behind him then firmly put a hand on his shoulder though. "Don't do that... Tom~" The way the man said Tom's name almost sounded sarcastic, as he held Tom's ID card in front of him. Before crumpling it and throwing it away, causing some of the other people in the room to chuckle. "You won't need that any more though. Anyway. Ladies and gentlemen! Bidding for Tom's fate will begin now starting at ten euros!"

The men and women then quickly began shouting bids. They almost immediately went into the thousands, and soon reached the ten thousands. It was clear that the starting bid was intended as little more than a way to mock Tom. Around the twenty thousands, most of the crowd had pulled out, but everyone was still excitedly watching. "We got twenty-two thousand from 'Govinda', anyone got twenty-two five hundred, anyone?" "Twenty-five thousand!" For a few moments after a woman in the crowd made a large bid, there was silence.

"That's twenty-five thousand from 'Carmen'. Anyone got twenty-six? Twenty-five five hundred? ... Looks like that's it. Ladies and gentlemen! It looks like 'Carmen' has won the first part of the auction! Let's see what fate she has in mind for today's item..." The woman then stepped forwards, and handed the auctioneer a piece of paper. As he was reading it, Tom realised that this might be his chance to get away.

Seeing an opening in the crowd to slip through, Tom quickly jumped to his feet. But before he could take even two steps, something hit him from behind, knocking him back to his knees while an intense tingling spread through his body. The sensation was oddly pleasurable, causing him to moan softly as his body began to shrink. "What are you fuckers ngg... d-doing to me???" The auctioneer laughed softly as he spoke up again. "Looks like I'm losing that bet on today's item's form, despite the lovely jacket I gave her~. He, or soon to be 'she' is about to become an incredibly submissive cat girl, a pet in both body and mind~"

Tom was horrified by what he heard. He knew that magic existed, but he didn't know much about it. There was nothing he could do as his body continued to change. At that time, the "second part" of the auction also seemed to begin, but a surreal pressure slowly starting to pull at Tom's mind prevented him from focusing on that at all. The pitch of his voice slowly went up as he panted softly. His features turned soft and round, as his hair gradually grew out.

A pressure then began building up on Tom's butt and on two spots on his chest. The pressure grew and grew, until finally a big, soft pair of breasts burst forth from his chest as his ass started to swell. Curiously, he let his hand wander to his chest, but he stopped himself before he did anything. Wasn't he horrified by what was happening only a few moments ago? He was strangely calm, and he couldn't help but almost feel excited, even, as his penis began to shrink in between his swelling thighs.

His cock continued shrinking, sending jolts of pleasure through Tom's whole body, until it eventually vanished with a quiet "pop". He happily moaned as an already wet feminine slit soon took its place, turning him into a her as the auctioneer had said would happen. A flexible tail covered in soft fur then began to push out from just above her butt, as her ears began to move up to the top of her head, while reshaping into those of a cat.

Tom's mind was slightly hazy at this point, and she was unsure of what was even going on any more. She was blushing and panting softly, and with her transformation being finished, the auction caught her attention again, right as it came to an end. "And that's it for the second part of the auction everyone! Congratulations 'Velius', you can go ahead and claim your new pet~" The man gestured towards the cat girl as he spoke. She wasn't a pet though, right? She couldn't think of anything else that she was supposed to be though, and if she wasn't a pet, then why was her master walking towards her? The man crouched down slightly in front of his new pet. He put a collar around her, and clipped a leash onto it. "Come, Tami." "Nya~!" Tami purred happily as she crawled after her master, and they left the building together.