TG Bimbo Cap: Spicing Up The Night 21:02 bimbocaptiontgunwillingtf Img source: Artist: 百合魂 69 lol Caption number 69. [Transcript] (1160 words) (Click to view) ... 0
TG Cap: Artificial Infatuation 20:55 captionfirstpersontgunwillingtf Img source: Artist: 塩こうじ Mmm I need to try to do a caption where I start with an image to... 0
Bodypart TF Cap: Paying For Her Boob Job 21:50 bodyparttfbreasttfcaptionunwillingtf Img source: Artist: Merufena I'm kinda surprised that despite my job I'm able to k... 0
TG Cap: Unwitting Peeper's Penalty 19:56 captiontgunwillingtf Img source: Artist: さふぁ太 Alright, this is the first caption I've started and finished writing... 0
TG Cap: Morning Shower 23:46 accidentaltfaiartcaptionposttftg Img source: AI (Stable Diffusion. Generation data at the bottom) Don't ask why the mirror is so clear. This caption was strongly based ... 0
POV TG Cap: My Life With Rene Brandle 20:09 captiondarkfirstpersontgunwillingtf Img source: Artist: だめがね((◉v◉)) This caption started off when I realised that I had never... 2
BodypartTF Cap: Dumbasses 22:57 accidentaltfasstfbodyparttfcaptionunwillingtf Img source: Artist: 石恵 I don't really consider myself to be into vore. But the way QueenNyanlat... 0