POV Bodypart TF Cap: Closer Than Close

Img source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/53578752
Artist: 左藤空気

Hahahahaha the support technician got very close to being the first person to see this story. Anyway, I believe this is my new longest story (Beyond The Mirror technically has a higher word count, but that's essentially two stories in one caption so it is different (and oh boy ive written something since this that faaar surpasses that in total word count)). It is a little long and messed up, but I hope you enjoy ;>
Caption number 53.

After closing the door behind your back, you hang up your coat and put down your bag. It had been a long day at work, and you were definitely up for a bit of relaxation by now. While thinking of things you could do to pass the time, you head towards the couch. But after taking only a single step, you suddenly hear a soft yet quick knock on your apartment's door. You weren't expecting any visitors, and you hadn't ordered anything though. A bit confused, you turn around and open the door.

You find a girl standing in the hallway. She is fairly short, has black twin tails, and seems quite shy. Due to her short stature and her sweater's cutout displaying her chest, your eyes are drawn down her cleavage the moment you lay your eyes on her. You quickly avert your gaze and shake your head.

"Uh, hey there, can I help you with anything?" You ask, as you try to look at her face. She nods in response, as she looks up at you and answers. "Yeah, E-Eldon right? It's been a while, and I needed to talk to you... Can I come in??" Something about her tone was odd. Normally you would have refused her, but something about her did seem familiar. After thinking about it for a moment though, it clicks. "Ah, we used to be classmates right? I don't think we ever really spoke much, but sure, come in. What was your name again though?"

Her facial expression goes through several rapid changes in response to your words. Smiling as you recognise her as a former classmate, darkening briefly as you mention not having spoken much to her, brightening up again as you let her in, before darkening once again as you reveal that you didn't remember her name. She seems to shrug it off with a soft giggle though, as she walks into your home. As you close the door, she turns back to you with a cheerful expression. "That's alright, I get it, it makes sense. It has been a little while of course, fifteen months and.." She seems to stop herself from going into more detail. "Anyway, I'm Ella, remember?"

The name definitely rings a bell. She sat somewhere behind you in class, but you didn't know her personally. "Ah yes, there was definitely a girl with that name in my class. So, what brings- huh?" Before you can finish speaking, she takes your hand and begins leading you towards the couch in a straight line. It definitely crosses some boundaries, so you pull yourself free.

"Sorry, that's a bit fast. Let me... boil some water for tea, then we can talk." Her expression again changes back and forth quickly, but you offering her tea seems to reassure her. "S-sorry, and thanks~" She speaks softly before sitting down and patiently waiting for you to return.

Ella's behaviour was strange to say the least. You could tell that something was wrong with her, and are a little worried about her. Though you consider sending her away, you had already let her in, making it difficult to now go back on that decision. You fill up the electric kettle, and turn it on. While it then begins to heat up the water, you return to the couch.

As you sit down on the opposite end, Ella squirms slightly, seeming to resist the urge to scoot closer. "So, what was it you wanted to talk about?" She stares at you as you speak, and softly mutters something under her breath, too quiet for you to hear. "Sorry, could y- I love you Eldon!" She suddenly blurts out. While you are taken aback by her sudden confession, she scoots closer and quickly continues, blushing brightly, but seeming happy to finally be saying it all. "I've loved you since the very first time I saw you back then in school, and when I got here I knew you would accept me since you are so kind, you were back then too, though we only really spoke fourteen times you were so nice, and I'm so glad that we can finally- Hold.. hold up."

You push her back slightly as you interrupt her. She frowns and quickly looks down as you continue speaking to her. "I'll make this clear. I don't have any romantic feelings for you. Sure, I remember your name, but I barely consider you a person I know. I'm not sure what you think or how well you think you know me. But this is way too fast for me, or anyone really for that matter." Ella remains quiet for a few seconds. You continue speaking as you hear the kettle click. "Look. I don't know you, but I am willing to try to get to know you. With some time, maybe we can someday get somewhat close?"

You smile at her as you get up and turn to walk towards the kitchen. In truth, you were quite nervous by this point. Should you really trust this unstable seeming girl with a cup of scalding hot tea? By now, you even considered calling the police. Before you can decide to do anything though, Ella embraces you from behind, wrapping her arms around you, as her soft breasts squish against your back.

"I-I get it! You want to get closer to me and then you'll love me back, right?? That's okay, we can be close I'm glad you want that. You're so thoughtful Eldon, nobody can get between us like this~..." As she speaks, she reaches up and lays a hand on your head. An unusual tingling quickly shoots through your body as Ella pulls your head back and down uncomfortably. "Wait, what are you?!..." As you speak, the girl keeps pulling, bending your body backwards far further than it should be able to, until your feet leave the floor and you somehow fall. Your head followed by the rest of your body slips in between her soft breasts. The last thing you see is Ella looking down at you, a bright smile and blush on her face, before all goes dark. The next moment, you are two large, sensitive masses, bouncing on her chest as your new form settles.

You feel and hear Ella breathing on you, as she lifts your two halves up slightly with one arm. "Ahh... I guess I won't hear your voice ever again... But it's alright! I understand you, because you are the only one for me~ I love you so much, Darling~..." As she speaks and takes off her skirt, you internally struggle with your situation. "What happened?? No way... I-I... Undo this! I can't be your breasts! L-LET ME OUT OF HERE!" No matter what you do though, you can't move, you can't speak, and your thoughts don't reach her at all.

- One week later -

You feel your weight shift around, as your round forms roll around on Ella's chest. She slowly sits up. As she yawns softly and stretches, the bedsheets fall off you. "Good morning, Darling~ Did you sleep well? I slept great, all because you are with me~" She softly hugs you as she speaks to you. She had lovingly done this every morning so far.
"... Let me out you bitch..." You have little else to think to her, though Ella would never know this.

- One month later -

"Ahnh~! Y-yes! Like that Darling~! Feels so good, I'm mmmhm~!" Ella's breath upon your skin is hot, and you feel a pleasurable warmth radiating from below your part of her body. While squeezing and fondling your doughy masses, she fingers herself intensely, while speaking to you as if you were the one doing it. Just like she always did. Having your entire body played with like this was pleasurable beyond anything you had ever experienced before.
"No- I'mmm~! N-not your Darling~ s-so good~......"

- Three months later -

As the hot water flows over your orbs, Ella tenderly rubs soap into you. She took showers daily, and always took extra effort to clean her breasts thoroughly, something which you had come to love over time. "Mmm... I love you so much, Darling... It's such a shame that probably no one could ever understand our love, but that's alright! With you as my boyfriend, I have everything I'll ever need~!" She giggles as you slowly process her words. Your thoughts nowadays were slow, and your memories hazy. Being a mere pair of tits for so long was taking a toll on your mind.
"Love..? Yeah... feels good... but... not darling, not boyfriend? what... was i before then..?"

- One year later -

"YES~!" Ella gleefully exclaims the moment she gets home. She throws her shirt off and spins around, giggling as she frees you. "We finally did it, Darling~!" As she cups you, the ring on her finger clicks against the ring she had put on one of your nipples today. "I'm so glad that we're finally married~ Sorry that you couldn't carry me down the aisle like I know you would have wanted to~ But it's okay! Me carrying you out of the piercing shop was just as romantic, since we were together~" As Ella continues joyfully dancing around the apartment, you enjoy the way you bounce and sway.
"darling?.. who's that? i'm just... boobs~..."

- Three years later -

"Their bodies and souls came closer to each other than ever before, as they kissed each other deeply for several minutes. Finally, their lips part, and he speaks softly, 'I'll never leave you again Vee. Whatever happens, I'll be there for you...'" Ella squeals excitedly as she closes the book. "Ahh~! It's getting so good~! That's the end of the chapter though. We'll continue tomorrow, but you'll have to be patient, Darling~"

She puts the book to the side, and tightly hugs her chest. It feels good, but only for her. The mind occupying her chest has long since degraded to the point that, like any ordinary pair of breasts, it has no thoughts or consciousness whatsoever. Ella tenderly kisses the breast she has a nipple ring on, and like she has on every night ever since she absorbed Eldon into them, she whispers. "Good night, Darling, let's dream of each other tonight~"