img source: MS Paint
artist: sorry, i am in fact responsible for everything you see here
and this is why i should never have been trusted with the ability to make things. you may take my april fools caption writing license away from me, but i might do it again anyway
On a very normal and average day, nohing of note was going on, until at an unexpected timing a random person was approached by a demoness names chloe.
"hello random person, my name is chloe. i am a demones who makes random magical deals with random people to sustain herself, but the rules behind this are vague and possibly inconsistent"
"Oh wow, this is pretty unusual, but i do not believe you."
"i can do magic and give you almost anything with my deals. but i dont tell you the price which usually includes turning you into a girl or sometimes a body part. but that hasnt happened in any stories that have actually been written yet" she winks, at the reader probably. Despite the information being blatantly incorrect.
"this is highly interesting. On second thought and agaimst both my better judgemend and my lack of belief in you being able to fulfil my request. i will make a request wich can be turned into a punchy title by a lazy writer. make me seexy. "
"Okay, i will now do as i said i would do before"
before the random person has an opportunity to respond, choe grabs him which causes some magic stuff to go through his body. he then grows breasts which are very large in size and also sensitive and nice. he then feels his ass beginning to grow large in size, geining the same features and descriptors as his tities.
his skin then begins to become very smooth and such. his penis then shrinks and eventually dissapears as a vagina replaces it. the random person will now be referred to as she because i have no better time to start doing that and it may read somewhat awkwardly if i dont do it at all. her hair then also grows very long and nice.
some more stuff about her body also changes, but i have already used enough space to describe her physical transformation.
the random person who is now a girl, also known as the new girl looks down at her body, which is now transformed into that of a girl
"Oh no, turn me back."
"no taksies backsies."
"this is terrible, the caption is too short to describe me coming to terms with my transformation into a girl"
and then the end of the caption was somewhat rushed but the random person was now a sexy girl which was somehow both the price and the thing he got out of the deal clever right yes.