TG Cap: Chain (fe)Mail

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Artist: わだぺん。

I liked the idea of a TG caption based on chain mail, but I'm honestly not pleased with this one at all. I might want to revisit the concept some day... I might want to revisit some of the concepts I've said I would revisit some day some day
Caption number 62.

*Ba-doop!* With a brief vibration, Jeffrey's phone let out a sound, notifying him that he had received a message. Having just finished his breakfast but not needing to leave for work yet, he unlocks his phone and opens the message. It came from a friend of his Kyle, and the contents of the message were quite strange.

"The ghost of Cassie will visit you and share some of her favourite porn with you tonight! Don't keep this gift to yourself though, share it with at least three other people! If you don't do this, she will still be there in your bedroom, and she will still share her porn. But she will do more than that! She will transform your body into something she loves from the porn. And you wont even notice until you cum! You might become a slut, you might become a sex toy! Do you want to risk that???"

   "Dude is that a fucking chainmail? I didnt know people still did those thats hillarious XD"

"... Im not sure man, the guy i got it from was laughing about it too. But I haven't heard anything from him since, and he hasn't been online since this morning ony any platform. Better safe than sorry yknow?"

   "Have you read the message? Thats 100% a troll, hes just screwing with you lol"

"Hey don't laugh at me! also if you get turned babe can we bang? ^3-"

   "Pfffffffffffft Im not even going to grace that with an answer. Anyway, I gotta go, see ya."

Chuckling, Jeffrey puts his phone back into his pocket. It had been a long time since he had seen a chain mail at all, and this was easily the most bizarre one he had ever read. And so he went on with his day as if he had never seen it. Yet, despite how he laughed the message off and the fact that he was not a superstitious person at all, he kept thinking about that chain letter Kyle had sent, and it gnawed at him slowly.

Hours later in the evening, after a long workday that would have been stressful enough if he wasn't worrying about a dumb chain mail, he returns home. The first thing he does as he plops onto the couch is take out his phone and open his chat with Kyle again. Over and over again, he rereads the chainmail and Kyle's message after. He is actually thinking about passing the message on, and copies the text. As he pastes it into another chat, he reads through it one last time, thinking it over hard.

"...... Gahhh! I can't just send something like that to anyone, that's way too embarrassing! There's no way that is anything but someone's convoluted kink..." It was rational, but he couldn't help but feel uncertain as he deletes the message with an exasperated sigh. "Maybe I'm just tired..." Annoyed, he places his phone on the coffee table and lies down on the couch. After pulling the blanket over his head, he soon falls asleep.

Partway through the night, a cold breeze wakes Jeffrey up. His mouth feels dry as he opens up his mouth, and is immediately hit by the bright light of his computer's screen on the other side of the room. "What the..? Did I leave my window open and my computer on?" He says to himself as he slowly gets up, squinting slightly as his eyes adjust to the artificial light of his monitor. For whatever reason, an old looking hentai video is playing on his computer. If it weren't for his groggy state he might have been worried about the resemblance this situation has to the chainmail. But for whatever reason, he instead sits down at his desk, and watches curiously.

It featured a brown haired girl, getting railed from behind by a guy wearing a baseball uniform while surrounded by what looked like other members of the baseball team. A cold shiver goes through his body, as what feels like a cold hand brushes his jacket off his shoulder. He doesn't consciously notice it though, instead, he focuses even more on the porn on his computer. The girl in it was wearing a red tracksuit jacket. As he looks at it, the appearance of his own jacket begins to change slightly, changing colour and reshaping to match the design of the one in the hentai.

His jacket was only the beginning though, as his eyes come to focus on the girl's butt. It isn't particularly big, but it jiggles nicely every time the guy thrusts into her. Absent-mindedly, Jeffrey pulls his pants down as they transform into a pair of pink panties, and pops his dick out. He doesn't notice himself rising from his chair slightly as he begins to stroke it. The camera angle then changes as the video switches to a shot from below the girl. With the new angle, he can see more of the girl clearly. The red hairclip, a copy of which immediately appears in his own hair as it begins to grow out to match her length, her cute face, and her breasts that swing back and forth with the movements of her body.

His body begins to change to match them all as his face feminizes. He lets out a soft moan as his nipples swell and breasts inflate onto his chest beneath them. Despite the foreign sources of pleasure on his chest, he still doesn't notice his transforming body. Continuing to masturbate, he lets his eyes wander over the girl's body again. His skin softens as his shoulders narrow, his stomach flattens, and his legs thicken and lengthen. By this point, there is only one part of his original body and sex left. His penis. That won't remain for long though, as his gaze settles on the girl's pussy.

Each time the girl on the screen's pussy is thrust into, his cock shrinks just a little. He continues masturbating, letting out increasingly girly gasps and moans of pleasure as his penis gradually recedes. It eventually recedes fully as a pussy of his, or rather her own, opens up in its place. Seamlessly, she switches from jerking her penis to fingering her new pussy, despite never having done that before. "Ahn-...haaAAAh~!" With a high-pitched cry of pleasure, Jeffrey finally cums, covering her fingers in her juices.

Panting softly, she slowly recovers from her first female orgasm as the video comes to an end. She quickly begins to feel that something is very off. Looking down, she quickly finds exactly what it is though. "WHA-!? I-I'm a girl?!" Confused, she looks back at her computer. It has turned off by itself, and she can see her new reflection on the screen. After looking at it for a few moments, she notices the images from the hentai pinned to the wall above her monitor, and realises that she looks just like her. "It... it was real after all? ... Shit, I gotta talk to Kyle!"

She jumps up from her desk chair and almost trips over her panties as she dashes over to the couch. Unlocking her phone, she quickly sends Kyle a message. "Dude it wasreal" ... Kyle wasn't online though. Considering the time, that wasn't strange, but Jeffrey couldn't give up yet. Opening her contacts, she tries to call him. After waiting a few seconds, it goes to voicemail. She hands up and immediately tries again, and again... and again. But he didn't answer the phone. Could he have his sound turned off, or...