TG Cap: Maid To Love

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Artist: JJuneジュン

I had been sitting on this idea ever since I started this series, and it might be my favourite part so far. With this one I have also focused quite a bit more on what a bastard Derek is supposed to be. I considered adding a content warning for it, but since it hints at his abusive behaviour beyond the horny transformations, mental changes and curses more than it actually shows it, I decided it didn't quite warrant it. If I do ever take it further though I will add such a warning.
Caption number 59.

Maid For His Mansion series: Series page
 1: TG Cap: Maid To Submit
 2: TG Cap: Maid To Milk
 3: TG Cap: Maid To Fantasise
 4: >TG Cap: Maid To Love<

With a pounding headache, Mike wakes up underneath an unfamiliar ceiling. He brings a hand to his head, and groans softly. "Ughh... ... Wait. Where the hell am I?!" He quickly sat up in the bed that was strangely comfortable considering that the last thing he remembered was being robbed and knocked out. To his surprise, the only other person in the room with him is a petite girl with fluffy pointed ears wearing a maid uniform. "Eep! I-I'm sorry! I found you passed out in the woods and I c-couldn't just leave you there! It is worse here though. You should get out of here as soon as you can... I can quickly get you some water and food... I'll be back in a moment!"

The maid runs out of the room with her tail in between her legs before Mike has any opportunity to question what was going on. Her words still lingered in his mind though. "It is worse here though." Before he was passed out and alone in the woods. Now, he was in a warm and comfortable house with at least one companion, though he assumes that there are more since there are multiple other beds in the room. As if to answer his first question, he then hears a masculine voice coming from the entrance of the room as a figure enters.

"I wasn't expecting any visitors today, but welcome! May I ask your name and what brings you here?" Mike gives the man a sceptical look. The man was dressed in a rather fancy looking suit, and had an arrogant air about him. Something Mike automatically didn't like. "Mike. I was travelling with a small group of people. But they stole my stuff and knocked me out. Your maid found me and brought me here. I'll be movi- I see! That is quite a waste, but no matter. You've already met one of your colleagues though, that's good! But which one of them? Hmm... Sibylle I guess? I believe she was out looking for mushrooms today."

Just as Mike is about to answer, the frightened voice of the maid he had met before rings out. "M-master Derek! I'm s-sorry, he- I-I couldn't just leave him!" She is holding a bottle of water and an apple as promised. There also seems to be a blonde maid standing behind her, with a worried look on her face. The man, Derek, smirks as he walks up to her. "Ah~ Sibylle! Perfect timing, and no need to apologise. You did great bringing him here! Now, I'll hand that to our guest..."

As Derek holds his hand out, the maid Sibylle meekly hands him the red apple as she casts her gaze down. At that moment, while Derek's back hides the apple from Mike's sight, Derek quickly casts some magic onto the apple. The man turns back to Mike, and begins to speak as he walks towards him. "You were going to be moving on from here as soon as possible, right Mike?" Mike nods. "Yeah... wouldn't want to bother you or your maids, or take any of your resources." Derek shakes his head, as he hands Mike the apple. "We have plenty. I don't look poor to you, do I?.."

'Arrogant prick...' Mike thinks to himself as he takes the apple and takes a bite from it, hoping that Derek would leave him alone after he ate the apple. As his teeth sink into the fruit, and the juices flow through his mouth though, he must admit that the sweet taste is fantastic. Strangely, he can feel his heart beginning to beat harder and faster as he takes another bite without thinking. "There we go~ Tastes good, right?" Mike feels strangely flustered for some reason, and blushes slightly. "Y-yeah, it is very tasty..."

Even though his body heats up, and the strange feelings increase with every bite, Mike continues eating the apple. As he comes close to finishing the apple, his body rapidly begins to change, causing his body to slim down and his hair to lengthen. Moderate mounds well up on his chest, making what is happening quite clear, but he is too focused on how good the apple tastes to notice. Even as his hair falls in front of his eyes, he remains unaware. Derek then reaches out, and brushes the hairs out of his face. Mike gasps and drops the apple as his face reddens further. Something suddenly seems different about Derek. He can't figure out what exactly it is, but he simply feels incredibly happy to see him.

"D-Derek~..? Uh..uaah..h-haaAAAhn~!" He suddenly lets out a series of increasingly feminine moans as his manhood begins to slip away, and is quickly replaced with a new womanhood. Panting softly, she begins to feel a burning need in her crotch. She eyes Derek's crotch and begins to drool slightly in anticipation as she sees his bulge.

"Good, looks like my new girl is ready~" As soon as she sees Derek beginning to remove his pants, she enthusiastically strips and lays back, presenting herself for her beloved master. She doesn't understand why she feels the way she does, but it just feels so right. Derek gets on top of her, and immediately shoves his erect cock into her wet slit. "Ahhn~ y-yes~~!" He continues thrusting into her as she happily moans, though her enjoyment is no priority of his, she is loving every moment of it.

Derek leans forwards, takes his new maid's nipple into his mouth, and begins to suck on it hard. "Nnnh~ haaah~ y-yess~!" Her master then thrusts deeply into her one more time as he finally cums. Having finished, he pulls out and gets off the bed. "Well done on your first job." Using a napkin, he quickly wipes any fluids off himself and his clothes, before putting his pants back on. "Now..." He drops the napkin on the floor with the remains of the apple and Mike's old clothes, and points at it. "Clean that up, and remake the bed. Sibylle, show her the ropes and get her a uniform. Make sure she doesn't dribble cum through the whole mansion."

"Y-yes master Derek!" Sibylle bows as he is about to walk by her. He then stops for a moment, and pats her head in a way that would seem more condescending than affectionate to any ordinary person, causing the girl to freeze up in fear. "... Ohhhh! You're so lucky! I want him to pat my head too! And for him to fuck me for longer... He's so wonderful... I could have kept going for hours more though~!" Mike's bizarre response snaps Sibylle out of her state as she looks at the horny and somewhat frustrated looking girl. "Y-you would want..? Oh no... I'm so s-sorry... I should have known this would happen..."

- One month later -

"M-Minna, get up! We haven't finished our work yet!" The maid once known as Mike pulls her panties down partially, giving a little peek of her pussy. "Nope, Derek and I are gonna bang~! It'd be a waste to clean the bed before that!" "Please... w-we'll both get in t-trouble if you ignore his orders like that..." Despite Sibylle genuinely seeming scared about the consequences, Minna can't really bring herself to care much.

She then hears footsteps, which she recognises as Derek's approaching the room. "Ahh~!" She excitedly squirms, causing one of her boobs to pop out of her undersized apron. "Master Derek my love~! I'm all done and ready to be fucked allll~ day by you~!" Sibylle yelps softly and freezes up, before quickly getting back to sweeping the floor, as quietly as she can. After stopping and hesitating for a moment, Derek enters the room. Seeing dust on the windowsills, half washed windows, and Minna on the messy bed, he glares at her angrily. "You!.." Though he wants to throw all kinds of insults at her, he swallows his words. He knows that the love he had cursed her with was absolute, and that no matter what insults or punishments he would throw at her, she would love it.

Derek recomposes himself, and speaks coldy. "I can't fuck in a dirty room. I'll be back in an hour, and you two'd better be done with this room and the bed by then." He turns around and leaves, knowing that it is his only way to get her to work. He would have to come up with a more permanent solution to her behaviour soon though. With him out of the room, Sibylle lets out a relieved sigh as Minna gets back to work and giggles victoriously. "Works every time~!"