TG Cap: Dubious Deals: One Friendly Customer 15:30 captiontgunwillingtf Img source: Artist: 矢嶋ロイ Sometimes it is hard to come up with something to write in the descripti... 0
TG Cap: Maid To Fantasise 16:00 captionmaidtgunwillingtf Img source: Artist: oekakizuki There, finally maid another one so now I can c... 0
TG Cap: The Graft Hunter 15:50 captiontentaclestgunwillingtf Img source: Artist: Maruto! The Graft is probably the weirdest thing in th... 0
TG Cap: Beyond The Mirror 15:55 accidentaltfbittersweetcaptionmultistorycaptiontg Img source: Artist: sawasa(swzw) No, I did not mean anything by this. Sorry if it got a bit too d... 0
april fools tg cap: an average tg caption but it is really bad and made in ms paint 15:45 captionoriginalartshitpostspecialtgunwillingtf img source: MS Paint artist: sorry, i am in fact responsible for everything you see here and this is why i should never have been trusted wi... 0