TG Bimbo Cap: Like Falling Thunder

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Artist: ぽいん

Not really much to say about this one. It's pretty mild on the bimbo-ness, but I liked the idea of a character being TGed by a lightning strike.

One morning Claudius awoke to the sound of a loud rumbling. Unsure of where it came from, he gets out of bed to find the cause.
After walking through his house for a bit, he looks outside. Though it wasn't raining, it was fairly dark outside, both from how cloudy it was, and just the time.
Then, he sees a flash of lighting, and figures out what the noise was. A few seconds later he hears it again as the sound of thunder reaches him.
He smiles slightly. It had been some time since he last saw a thunderstorm. And it wasn't even raining during this one, or at least, not where he was.
Simply watching the lightning was something he hadn't done in a while, and he didn't really have anything better to do. Claudius quickly got dressed, and went outside.

After finding a field near his home, he lays down in the grass to watch nature's show. For as long as he could remember, he had found lightning to be the most beautiful natural phenomenon ever visible from his home.
As he relaxes and watches it, the clouds eventually begin to part, as the storm seems to begin to come to an end. He gets up and stretches, as he decides he should return to his house for breakfast.

Then, a bolt of lighning suddenly strikes him. For a very brief moment a shocking pain shoots through his body, but it stops before he can even respond to it.
While the abnormal electricity goes through his body, his body rapidly changes. His hair suddenly lengthens as his hips crack outwards, his genitals are replaced with their opposites and her skin loses any roughness it had before.
A pair of enormous breasts burst out from her chest, causing her to practically explode out of her clothes. In less than a second she went from an ordinary looking man. To an absolutely gorgeous babe.
Confusedly she holds her sensitive tits as she tries to process what happened. She then wonders why she hadn't heard the thunder from the lightning that had just hit her.
But before she can even finish the thought, it's interrupted by the sudden sound of the thunderclap, causing her mind to go blank as her memories are wiped and her mind rewritten.

Only a second or so Claudia gets up again. She looks around and lets out a soft giggle, unsure of where she is or how she got there. Her new mind is mostly empty, but once she spots the nearby town, she does realise she has a certain strong need.
Smiling ditzily, she strolls into town. And as soon as she sees someone, she happily skips up to him. Holding her arms behin her back to accentuate her boobs, she shamelessly asks him for the one thing she wants.
"Hey like, wanna do it~?"